The longer you talk to ai, the more the system learns your preferences and how you communicate. AI systems that interact with users over the course of several months can make their results 40% more accurate, according to a report from Accenture published in 2023. Essentially, this is a machine learning process where AI algorithms analyze large data sets and improve their responses over time with user interactions.
It improves overtime such as where data generated in every single interaction teaches the AI. The more you use voice assistants (Siri, Alexa), the better they get: understanding speech patterns, accents and preferences. 30% of users find their satisfaction level higher after using it daily for a few months, indicating that AI is trained and per how your activities change the information passed becomes more personalized with time.
This improvement is based on feedback that AI gets. But when the AI systems have access to thousands of data points, they can alter their models in tandem. After feeding large amounts of feedback into its machine learning algorithms, a Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research study has found that response accuracy can improve by up to 35%. In customer service, for instance, AI chatbots learn and adapt their responses with every interaction in order to provide a better solution next time. IBM’s Watson AI team also reported in 2022 that this led to customer satisfaction increasing by 20%.
AI uses deep learning to further improve itself. Analyzing billions of interactions, deep learning discovers patterns and subtleties for the system to produce better-matched responses when compared to standard LSTM methods. For instance, Googles GPT-3 was trained on a massive corpus of text — leading to improvements in its ability to generate coherent and relevant answers — Google reported 25% user satisfaction gains
Through interactions, AI also learns to identify emotions and sentiment. For example, AI tools for mental health has chatbots to relieve anxiety and depression that can identify changes in one´s mood over time. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), such systems can avail anxiety symptoms reduce up to 18% after six months of use.
So the more you speak with ai, the better it learns of your individual needs and preferences—ai improves itself each and every time.