How to Make Your Zodiac Cocktail?

One of the ways in which you may use astrology to get more involved is by making fine cocktails that correspond with your zodiac sign. Different signs have unique qualities — and those characteristics can be matched with certain ingredients and flavors to craft an astrologically-tuned beverage.

A margarita for Aries The fiery, daring sign of Aries is represented by the bold Margarita! Simply combine 50ml tequila, with 25ml triple sec and the juice of half a lime. Store in a salt-rimmed glass and shake over ice. Lime is a tart sharp citrus and with the tequila has oodles of intensity: an icon for that Aries firey attitude. The universal appeal of the cocktail is demonstrated by it's spot in the top five cocktails ordered globally for 2021.

Taurus love the luxe life and comfort so this sign really pairs well with an Old-Fashioned. Mix 50ml of bourbon, a sugar cube and two hefty dashes Angostura bitters Combine sugar and bitters then add whiskey, ice, stir. Garnish with an orange twist. Taurus: Old FashionedThe sophisticated flavor of a classic cocktail is likely to appeal this sign. Dale DeGroff, aka King Cocktail, refers to the Old Fashioned as a timeless classic and for that reason alone it is ideal when you reach the zodiac cocktail of Taurus (April 20 – May 20).

The Mojito — variety is the spice of life for social butterfly Gemini. Stir 50mL white rum, tbsp sugar and mint leaves with bowl of lime juice. If your making a classic mojito, muddle the mint with sugar then add lime juice and rum + soda water. Serve over ice. A Gemini needs some refreshing mint flavor that reminds him of the good ol' days on a Cuban beach during hot summers.

This is a smooth move, as Cancer loves to nurture and finds solace in a Piña Colada. Mix 90ml pineapple juice, with 30 ml coconut cream and ice until smooth along side up to about of rum. This creamy, tropical taste will feel like a treat; one of the comforts and luxuries that Cancers need. The popularity of the Piña Colada in paradise only speaks further to its lure as a nourishing getaway.

A Leo, proud and ninth-placed like spirit with a Martini. 60 mls of gin, 10mls of dry vermouth stirred with ice and strained into a chilled glass. Lemon twist, or olive for garnish Cosmopolitan: Leo — The cosmopolitan is common to every trendy girl, much like a Leo. Maybe not in line with Leo's usual taste, but how well does Sipping Martinis complement James Bond and shaken-not-stirred?

The simplistic nature of a Gin and Tonic appeals to Virgo, as they are quite practical and meticulous. Stir over ice 50ml gin, top with tonic water and a wedge of lime. This polished finish supports the simple tastes of Virgo. Maybe that's because the International Bartenders Association declared The Gin and Tonic a Contemporary Classic — which reminds us all very much of Virgo, fussing about getting things just so.

Cosmo: Balance and Harmony, thus Libra Add 45ml vodka, 15ml triple sec, 30 ml cranberry juice and some lime to the cocktail shaker. Shake well with ice, and strain into a cocktail glass. The somewhat sweet-tart flavor maintains Libra's search for balance. The trendy and social nature of Libra appeared in the '90s with The Cosmopolitan but was firstdenoted at least as far back as 1951 by Terri Hill using a bevy of symbolism.

Scorpio, being a sign of intensity and passion is perfect for the Dark 'n' Stormy. Add a few ice cubes to two glasses, and pour half of this mixture over each glass with as much water added if you prefer. These deep, spicy flavors characterize Scorpio's depth and intensity. The mystery and allure of this cocktail feel only right, as it was first made in Bermuda.

Sagittarius: CaipirinhaInquisitive and truth-seeking, this adventurous sign enjoys the freedom to roam. Muddle a lime wedge with two tsps sugar & then add 50ml cachaça and fill the glass up with ice. Sag will love the bold, exotic flavors of these experiments. The Caipirinha also calls to Sagittarius' need for worldly experience in their liquor.

Kestigian: Capricorn (disciplined, traditional) and Manhattan Mix with ice 50ml of rye whiskey, 20 ml sweet vermouth (Noilly Prat) and couple of dashes bitters. Pour into chilled glass Garnish with a cherry. Both the Manhattan, with its old-school assertiveness and classic appeal (for Taurus' timeless taste for quality) The century serves Capricorn well – its rich history here in American cocktail culture perfectly appealing to Cap qualities.

Aquarius is a great match for the Negroni, because it's spontaneous and independent. Shake 30ml each of gin, Campari and sweet vermouth over ice then strain into a chilled martini glass. Aquarius is all about originality and individualism which presents itself in the form of bold, different flavours. Aside from his one love song, cutie crooner Bruno Mars keeps things classic — a little too gratingly so for Aquarius' taste. The Negroni's unique flavors and origins in Italy strike up the quintessentially original chord our obnoxiously individualistic friend laps up.

Pisces (imaginative, empathetic): A Mai Tai Directions Shake light rum, dark rum, orange curaçao (orange-flavored liqueur), orgeat syrup and lime juice with ice. Double strain into a crushed ice filled glass and garnish with mint sprig. Pisces is a dreamy sign, and the Mai Tai's layered tropical flavors capture that. Its invention in the Tiki cocktail adaptation of mid-20th century reflects Pisces appreciation for imagination and a desire to get away from it all.

To find out more about your astrological cocktail pairing, take a look at what qualities of each sign can translate to the type of beverage you fancy. Happy mixing stargazers. Take a journey through the stars with Mixology!

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